Azalea Apps: Fovea EHR Archive

About Fovea EHR Archive

Fovea EHR Archive (a Triyam product) is a multi-tenant, secure SaaS application that archives data from legacy EHR, EMR, ERP, business, financial, and billing systems, amongst others. Fovea can be hosted in-house, on-premise, or in the cloud with Microsoft Azure, and is HIPAA-attested and SOC2-certified. Fovea EHR Archive is the Best in KLAS Winner solution in Data Archiving (2021, 2022, 2024).

Fovea features include:

  • Retention Requirements
  • Robust Software
  • User-Friendly Interface
  • Extensive Search Capabilities
  • Reporting Capabilities
  • A/R Management Capabilities
  • Easy Data Accessibility
  • Data Management and Optimization
  • BI Analytics

Triyam can archive paper records by converting them to scanned documents and images.

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